Wednesday, November 6, 2013

little seed farm...

we are proud to be carrying soap made by eileen and james of little seed farm in tennessee.

these are good people doing good things:

After one too many years of city living, we came to realize that our true dreams lie in our roots. In early 2012 we moved from life in NYC to our farm in rural Tennessee. Our mission is to provide raw milk farmstead cheeses, organic skincare products, and humanely and sustainably raised meats. As we continue down the road we look forward to sharing our journey and reflecting on what we've learned thus far. We hope to inspire others to pursue their dreams.

What we stand for:
  • Raising and serving our community healthy, nutrient-dense food
  • Providing our animals with a natural and humane environment
  • Using nature to guide our animal husbandry practices
  • Seeking methods that limit the use of outside inputs
  • Adopting practices that utilize the full cycle of nature and minimize waste

in addition to all this good, im a sucker for a cute goat.



someone had my dream estate sale find experience. she found never before seen photos of the rolling stones from a tour in 1965.

so young, having fun. great photos.




bill & charlie


mick & charlie

Sunday, November 3, 2013

things to remember...

we love the work of satsuma press (lynn russell) and we are happy to be carrying her 12 pack of
'things to remember' cards.

these cards are great to give to a friend  as a word of encouragement or to be placed in a space for ourselves as a reminder to:

*be true
*do your best
*ask and listen
*have courage
*pay attention
*be kind
*have patience
*keep learning
*slow down
*give thanks

sweet, simple and to the point.

thank you lynn!
