Wednesday, February 29, 2012

everyday beauty...

thank you for the reminder...


thank you nature.

thank you breakfast.

thank you animals.

thank you friends.

thank you fun.

thank you water.

thank you comfort.

photos from:
breakfast - japanese design studio mute
spider web - hannah whitaker
cats - guremike blog
water - oracle fox blog
all the rest found on pinterest.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

tea time...

i love tea, tea time, and tea accoutrements...

we now have a lovely collection of japanese tea cups, japanese fir trivets + coasters and a beautiful Danish Norm glass kettle teapot.


Norm tea kettle

geometric tea cup

"tell me a story."

Thursday, February 16, 2012

my turning point...


i have told many of you my story of how i came to open a shop. opening a shop has been something i have wanted to do for a very long time. it started as a kid, i remember going into this punk rock shop in connecticut called 'bonnie & clyde', i thought this was the most awesome shop i had ever seen. i have always thought how great it would be to create a shop, carefully pick the inventory and get to have fun meeting the customers.

i would say i didn't think i was creative enough to open a shop for a long time. i would not have considered myself an artist, until i read the book 'the artist's way' about 3 years ago. i 'did' this book with a wonderful friend of mine. i say we 'did' it because it is a 12 week course book, taking one on a journey to find our creativity and the artist in each of us.

so...doing the artist's way was a big turning point for me and that is when i decided i was going to open a shop. three years later here we are and i feel great about it! yes, scared and stressed at times, but really glad i took a chance to go outside of my comfort zone.

due to the big impact this book had on me, i have decided to start selling the books at take heart.

we have three options:

the classic - the artist's way - a spiritual path the higher creativity

the daily reader - the artist's way - a year of creative living

the starter kit - the artists way + the morning pages journal

if anyone has any questions or wants to talk further about the book, i would love to, just come by the shop, call or send an email...

"If one advances confidently in the direction of one's dreams, and endeavors to live the life which one has imagined, one will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."   -Henry David Thoreau


Sunday, February 12, 2012

handmade cuties...

hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful winter weather.

i was happy to learn that there was a mention of take heart in an article on east austin in the march be on the lookout.

one of the items featured are our precious forest folk dolls handmade here in austin by kathryn davis.

we will be getting even more of her special handmade animals and lavender sachets over the next couple of weeks.

we just received a sample of these adorable ginger cats.

her items make me tear up from the cuteness...


Sunday, February 5, 2012

glass water bottles...

hello all, hello sunday.

i have been finding that drinking water out of glass tastes better than out of plastic.

goodbye plastic camelbak water bottle.

hello glass takeya water bottle!

the bottles are sturdy, portable, with a silicon jacket.

we are now selling these well designed water bottles at take heart in clear, ice green, ice blue and ice pink.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

love + egg salad...

happy february 1st!

things to remember:

2/2 - groundhog day
2/11 - dad's birthday
2/14 - valentine's day

we have some lovely valentine's day cards for your sweetie...

and here is a poem i think is cute by billy collins.



Sometimes the notes are ferocious, 
skirmishes against the author 
raging along the borders of every page 
in tiny black script. 
If I could just get my hands on you, 
Kierkegaard, or Conor Cruise O'Brien, 
they seem to say, 
I would bolt the door and beat some logic into your head. 

Other comments are more offhand, dismissive - 
Nonsense." "Please!" "HA!!" - 
that kind of thing. 
I remember once looking up from my reading, 
my thumb as a bookmark, 
trying to imagine what the person must look like 
who wrote "Don't be a ninny" 
alongside a paragraph in The Life of Emily Dickinson. 

Students are more modest 
needing to leave only their splayed footprints 
along the shore of the page. 
One scrawls "Metaphor" next to a stanza of Eliot's. 
Another notes the presence of "Irony" 
fifty times outside the paragraphs of A Modest Proposal. 

Or they are fans who cheer from the empty bleachers, 
Hands cupped around their mouths. 
Absolutely," they shout 
to Duns Scotus and James Baldwin. 
Yes." "Bull's-eye." "My man!" 
Check marks, asterisks, and exclamation points 
rain down along the sidelines. 

And if you have managed to graduate from college 
without ever having written "Man vs. Nature" 
in a margin, perhaps now 
is the time to take one step forward. 

We have all seized the white perimeter as our own 
and reached for a pen if only to show 
we did not just laze in an armchair turning pages; 
we pressed a thought into the wayside, 
planted an impression along the verge. 

Even Irish monks in their cold scriptoria 
jotted along the borders of the Gospels 
brief asides about the pains of copying, 
a bird singing near their window, 
or the sunlight that illuminated their page- 
anonymous men catching a ride into the future 
on a vessel more lasting than themselves. 

And you have not read Joshua Reynolds, 
they say, until you have read him 
enwreathed with Blake's furious scribbling. 

Yet the one I think of most often, 
the one that dangles from me like a locket, 
was written in the copy of Catcher in the Rye 
I borrowed from the local library 
one slow, hot summer. 
I was just beginning high school then, 
reading books on a davenport in my parents' living room, 
and I cannot tell you 
how vastly my loneliness was deepened, 
how poignant and amplified the world before me seemed, 
when I found on one page 

A few greasy looking smears 
and next to them, written in soft pencil- 
by a beautiful girl, I could tell, 
whom I would never meet- 
Pardon the egg salad stains, but I'm in love.” 

thank you laura berger, dutch door press and tabletop made for photos