Saturday, November 26, 2011

holiday cards...

the holidays are upon us. hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving, i am particularly grateful it rained last night...

one thing i love each holiday season is finding special holiday cards to send to my friends and family. i love the US postal service and sending paper cards, i don't do it enough these days.

we have a small, but lovely assortment of holiday cards this season...

thank you for the photos 
red cap cards

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

being present...

i want to wish you all a wonderful holiday tomorrow...

we recently got a wonderful print in at the shop, i have a hard time staying in the present sometimes, so it is a good reminder for me. i need reminders.

here is to resting, having fun and being present...


artwork by danna ray

Sunday, November 13, 2011


i want to thank everyone who came in on 11.11.11, it was great to see you all!

we will be at the shop for our usual hours this weekend and next weekend for the East Austin Studio Tour.

we are showing the sweet and thoughtful artwork of Elizabeth Crane Brandt during the tour...stop by and check it out if you have not been by yet.

thanks to all of you for your love and support!


artwork by elizabeth crane brandt

thank you to my wonderful customers who came in to toast with me at 
11:11 a.m. on 11.11.11!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

dreams of tucson....


i have a special place in my heart for tucson, arizona. i lived there for only a couple of years, but they were important and memorable years.

there is nothing like the smell of tucson when it rains, the landscape, the creativity and i met some of my favorite people while i lived there.

i am happy to be carrying the delicate and special, Villarreal Ceramics, from tucson.

here is a peek...


thank you villarreal ceramics for photos

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

planners and calendars at take heart...


i love paper products and we just got some really good ones in at take heart.

we now have a collection of wonderful planners and calendars.

here is to starting 2012 on an organized note with a lovely planner and calendar....


thank you for the photos:
poketo +

Sunday, November 6, 2011

take heart 11.11.11 party!

hello friends,

please join take heart and our neighbors, Switched On, in kicking off the East Austin Studio Tour and celebrating 11.11.11...

take heart is proud to be a participant of E.A.S.T. this year, featuring the sweet and thoughtful embroidered artwork of Elizabeth Crane Brandt. E.A.S.T. is happening the weekends of 11/12 + 11/13 and 11/19 + 11/20.

on 11.11.11 from 4 - 8 pm we will have complimentary wine, snacks and will be raffling off a luxurious spa pedicure from our wonderful neighbors at *ESTY* and three of the beautiful E.A.S.T. catalogs....

we have a limited supply of E.A.S.T. maps, so get them while they last!

Switched On will be having DJs in front of their shop and maybe we will be lucky and they will have some keyboard action too.

So, come by 1111 E. 11th Street on 11.11.11 from 4 - 8 pm to eat, drink, be merry and meet nice people.

thank you to local artist, amy farrier, for this adorable invite